daccord 1.6.2 – Benefit from the new features

In version daccord 1.6.2 new field-proven features have been integrated and the usability is optimized which makes working with daccord even easier.

»The close contact to our clients helps us very much to understand the secific requirements of daccord users. Hence new featuers that make the daily work easier are gardually developed. That is our main focus - to optimize the end users processes.«


Thomas Gertler, Managing Director of G+H Systems GmbH
The most important new features

Continuous re-/certication in all views

daccord 1.6.2 provides a continous re-/certification of access rights in all the views. Now also person or system owners can execute certifications besides right owners. In the daccord configuration you can flexibly determine in which views this functionality should be available.

Re-/certification window „unlimited“

In the new version daccord 1.6.2 a re-/certification window doesn’t necessarily need a time limit. Instead of a fix date or a cycle you can re-/certify for an unlimited timeline. This reduces the certification efforts for certain systems as only changes in the access right assignments have to be newly certified.


Possibility of a role certification

In case a role model is implemented, the recertification process is considerably simplified in the new version. The role model including the assigned access rights is certified as a target stand. Via certification of the person‘s role possessorship all access rights that go in line with the role model are automatically certified as well. The certification effort for the person owner is minimized to only a few clicks.

Introduction of a role-manager

The role manager takes responsibility for one or more roles and controls which access rights in the systems are connected with this role. So, the role manager recertifies the actual role and its assignment to access rights and sub-roles.


Introduction of dynamic roles

n daccord 1.6.2 rules can be deposited to certain roles, so they can automatically be assigned or declined according to the information that is connected to the person, such as department assignment, person type or activity status.


Extended search function in history

The search in the history view is considerably extended in the new version. For instance you can search in certain process steps like „approved“, „interrupted“ or „cancelled“. Moreover sub-processes can be searched and displayed.


Revision of person manager view in the user frontend

The person manager view in the user frontend is considerably revised in the new version 1.6.2 and provides numerous new information. In a kind of dashboard view the person owner can very clearly see if the person he is responsible for have all necessary access rights or possibly are over-authorized. Moreover the actual status of re-/certifications is quickly visible which makes it easy to see if there are certifications left to execute or not.

Revision of person view in the admin frontend

In daccord 1.6.2 the person view in the admin frontend is revised and now provides the possibility to directly find the information which person has responsibilities for what system, right, role or other persons. This makes administration of assignments much easier.